Tuesday 7 October 2008

Claude Monet Sunset painting

Claude Monet Sunset paintingClaude Monet La Japonaise paintingClaude Monet Impression Sunrise painting
not beside him.” She set her teeth for a moment and tightened her lips, and spoke again, evenly: “Or he was gone already when the man called and he couldn’t bear to be the one to tell me, poor thing.
“One, or the other, or the other. And no matter what, there’s not one thing in this world or the next that we can do or hope or guess at or wish or pray that can change it or help it one iota. Because whatever is, is. That’s all. And all there is now is to be ready for it, strong enough for it, whatever it may be. That’s all. That’s all that matters. It’s all that matters because it’s all that’s possible. Isn’t that so?”
While she was speaking, she was with her voice, her eyes and with each word opening in Hannah those all but forgotten hours, almost thirty years past, during which the cross of living had first nakedly borne in upon her being, and she had made the first beginnings of learning how to endure and accept it. Your turn now, poor child, she thought; she felt as if a

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