Friday 17 October 2008

Claude Monet Water Lilies 1914 painting

Claude Monet Water Lilies 1914 paintingUnknown Artist Heighton After Hours paintingUnknown Artist Brent Lynch Evening Lounge painting
Playground gibes are a rite of passage for most school-age kids, but for some children, teasing at school can turn into outright violence and abuse. Researchers say that as many as 1 in 10 children suffer physical attacks, name-calling and other social aggression at school, and a new study suggests that a child's risk of becoming a chronic victim of bullying may depend on factors that appear very early in life.RelatedStorieshealth problems, social withdrawal, alcohol and/or drug use, school absence and avoidance, decrease in school performance, self-harm and suicidal ideation."
"Studies also show that peer victimization becomes increasingly stable over time, with the same children enduring such negative experiences throughout childhood and adolescence," write the authors of a study on victimization, published in the current issue of Archives of General Psychiatry. "The consequences associated with high and chronic victimization are manifold and include Depression, loneliness, low self-esteem, physical

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