Thursday 30 October 2008

Unknown Artist Brent Heighton Piano Jazz painting

Unknown Artist Brent Heighton Piano Jazz paintingUnknown Artist Brent Heighton Jazz Night Out paintingAlbert Bierstadt Sierra Nevada painting
frames, ancient tuckboxes stuffed with bundles of letters tied up in ribbons, mothballed silk--and-lace lingerie, the tearstained reading matter of once--young girls, lacrosse sticks, stamp albums, and all the buried treasure--chests of memories and lost time. The coastline had changed, had moved a mile or more out to sea, leaving the first Norman castle stranded far from water, lapped now by marshy land that afflicted with all manner of dank and boggy agues the poor who lived there on their whatstheword _estates_. She, the old lady, saw the castle as the ruin of a fish betrayed by an antique ebbing tide, as a sea-monster petrified by time. Nine hundred years! Nine centuries past, the Norman fleet had sailed right through this On clear nights when the moon was full, she waited for its shining, revenant ghost.
Best place to see 'em come, she reassured herself, grandstand view. Repetition had become a comfort in her antiquity; the well-worn phrases, _, grandstand view_, made her feel solid, unchanging, sempiternal, instead of the creature of cracks and absences she knew herself to be. -- When the full moon sets, the dark before the dawn, that's their moment

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