Tuesday 4 November 2008

Douglas Hofmann midnight blue painting

Douglas Hofmann midnight blue paintingJose Royo Tarde en el Campo paintingJose Royo Primavera painting
unremarkable _Battuta's Travels_ -- into a fleet of supertankers. A con--man, basically, famous for his romances with leading ladies of the Hindi screen and, according to gossip, for his predilection for white women with enormous breasts and plenty of rump, whom he "treated badly", as the euphemism had it, and "rewarded handsomely". What did Mimi want with bad Billy, his sexual instruments and his Maserati Biturbo? For boys like Battuta, white women -- never mind fat, Jewish, non-deferential white women -- were for fucking and throwing over. What one hates in whites -- love of brown sugar -- one must also hate when it turns up, inverted, in black. Bigotry is not only a function of power.
Mimi telephoned the next evening from New York. Anahita called him to the phone in her best damnyankee tones, and he struggled into his disguise. When he got there she had rung off, but she rang back. "Nobody pays transatlantic prices for hanging on." "Mimi," he said, with desperation patent in his

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