Friday 7 November 2008

Francois Boucher The Rape of Europa painting

Francois Boucher The Rape of Europa paintingMichelangelo Buonarroti The Creation of Adam paintingMichelangelo Buonarroti Creation of Adam painting
. John Maslama, owner of the Hot Wax nightclub, the record chain of the same name, and of "Fair Winds", the legendary store where you could get yourself the finest horns -- clarinets, saxophones, trombones -- that a person could find to blow in the whole of London town, was a busy man, so he would always ascribe to the intervention of Divine Providence the happy chance that caused him to be present in the trumpet store when the Archangel of God walked in with thunder and lightning sitting like laurels upon his noble brow. Being a Maslama had up to this point concealed from his employees his extracurricular work as the chief herald of the returned Celestial and Semi-Godlike Being, sticking posters in his shopwindows only when he was sure he was unobserved, neglecting to sign the display advertisements he bought in newspapers and magazines at considerable personal expense, proclaiming the imminent Glory of the Coming of the Lord. He issued press releases through a public relations subsidiary of the Valance

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