Friday 2 January 2009

Kahlo Tunas Still Life with Prickly Pear Fruit

Kahlo Tunas Still Life with Prickly Pear FruitKahlo Tree of HopeKahlo The Love Embrace of the Universe the Earth Mexico Me Diego and Mr XolotlKahlo The Little Deer
They prefer people with experience because companies are not willing to spend money training the university students," she says.
High costs
Students are taking jobs that previous years' intakes would not have been willing to accept.
Graduates face fierce competition for jobs in the economic slowdown.But that does not always pay the bills, and most importantly the student debts.
Another of this year's graduates, Teresa Yan, a journalism student from Shanghai International Studies University, says the market for public relations and journalism jobs is really bad.
"I'm not from to be really tough if all I can find is a job paying $150 a month - the only kind of job that's really on offer."
The government says finding work for graduates like her and finding jobs for the migrant workers who have been forced to return to their villages after factories have closed are its twin priorities.

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