Monday 9 March 2009

John Constable Hadleigh Castle

John Constable Hadleigh CastleJohn Constable Flatford MillJohn William Waterhouse The Magic Circle
looked at their stern faces and regretted it. The statues of very powerful dead mages were sometimes more than statues had any right to be. Maybe he should have kept his voice down.
"Yes?" he ventured, acutely aware of the stony stares.
"Up here, you fool!"
He lookedlike this?"
"A witch has got to have a hat, otherwise who's to know?" said Granny. She made a grab as something dark and sodden drifted by, cackled triumphantly, tipped out the water and rammed the hat on her head. It had lost its stiffening and flopped rather rakishly over one eye. up. The broomstick descended heavily through the rain in a series of swoops and jerks. About five feet above the water it lost its few remaining aerial pretensions, and flopped noisily into a whirlpool. "Don't stand there, idiot!" Treatle peered nervously into the gloom. "I've got to stand somewhere," he said. "I mean give us a hand!" snapped Cutangle, rising from the wavelets like a fat and angry Venus. "The lady first, of course." He turned to Granny, who was Fi around in the water. "I've lost my hat," she said. Cutangle sighed. "Does that really matter at a time

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