Tuesday 21 April 2009

Mark Spain Cordoba

Mark Spain CordobaMark Spain ContemplationMark Spain Castilla
wouldn’t treat me as if I don’t know anything.”
Nanny coughed. “Your man,” she said. “Been around a bit, I expect? Been walking out with dozens of young women, I’ve no doubt.”
“Why do you say that? I don’t think he has. Fools don’t have much of a private life and, of course, he’s been very busy since he’s been king. He’s a bit shy with girls.”
Nanny gave up.
“Oh, well,”, briskly.
“They’ve put their mark on her,” said Granny. “You sure you know how to deal with it?”
“I do know it’s quite a nasty wound,” said Magrat, briskly.
“I ain’t exactly thinking about the wound,” said Granny.
“She’s been touched by them is what I mean. She’s—“
“I’m sure I know how to deal with a sick person,” said Magrat. “I’m not totally stupid she said, “I’m sure you’ll work it all out asyou—“Granny and the king reappeared.“How’s the girl?” said Granny.“We took out the arrow and cleaned up the wound, any-way,” said Magrat. “But she won’t wake up. Best if she stays here.”136LOR08 fiHD Lft0/£6“You sure?” said Granny. “She needs keeping an eye on.I’ve got a spare bedroom.”“She shouldn’t be moved,” said Magrat

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