Wednesday 6 May 2009

Francisco de Goya Blind Man's Buff

Francisco de Goya Blind Man's Buffchilde hassam Wayside Inn Sudbury MassachusettsEdgar Degas Cafe Concert Singer
looked at the limp shape in his hands.
He laid it carefully on a bench, without saying a word, and went and sat in a corner. While the others gathered round the mortal remains of Acting-Constable Cuddy, the troll removed his homemade cooling helmet and sat staring at it, turning it over and staring at it without seeing it for some time.
He tugged at it. It was a strip of black cloth.
'Assassins wear that,' said Colon blankly.
'So do lots of other people,' said Ridcully. 'Black's black.'
'You're right,' said Vimes. 'Taking any action on the basis of this would be premature. You know, it'd probably get me fired.'
He waved the cloth in front of Lord Vetinari.over in his hands.'He was on the floor,' said Sergeant Colon, leaning against the doorframe. 'He must have been pushed off the stairs right at the top. Someone else was in there, too Must've shinned down a rope and caught me a right bang on the side of the head.''Being pushed down the Tower's not worth it for a shilling,' said Carrot, vaguely.It was better when the dragon came, thought Vimes After it'd killed someone it was at least still a dragon. It went somewhere else but you could say: that's a dragon, that is. It couldn't nip over a wall and become just another person. You always knew what you were fighting. You didn't have to—'What's that in Cuddy's hand?' he said. He realized he'd been

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