Wednesday 22 October 2008

Jean Beraud Le Billard painting

Jean Beraud Le Billard paintingJean Beraud La Rue de la Paix 1907 paintingJean Beraud At the Bistro painting
that all the trouble is about."
So Livia went to PIancina and told her that Tiberius refused to listen to reason, and that he would rather sacrifice his own mother to popular hatred than risk his own skin in standing by his friends. All that she had been able to get from him, she said, was a grudging promise of pardon for her if the letter were given up. So PIancina went to Piso with a letter in Tiberius's name, forged by Livia, and said that she had arranged everything beautifully and here was the promise of acquittal. As Piso handed her the letter in exchange she suddenly stabbed him in the throat with a dagger. As he lay dying she dipped the point of his sword in blood, clasped his sword-hand around the pommel and left him. She took the letter and the forged promise back to Livia as arranged.
In the Senate next day Tiberius read a statement which he said that Fiso had made before his suicide, pleading complete innocence of the

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