Monday 27 October 2008

William Bouguereau The Abduction of Psyche painting

William Bouguereau The Abduction of Psyche paintingPierre-Auguste Cot spring paintingWilliam Bouguereau the first kiss painting
findings from the multitude of studies collected in the World Database of to reach the conclusion that, compared to ancient Buddhism and Taoism, it is Confucius' philosophical teachings that are most likely to lead to a So, here (briefly) is Confucius' advice on how to live the good life, contrasted with some of the tenets of Taoism and Buddhism.
1. Invest in intimate ties
Confucianism's view of life is built on the idea of 'Jen'. This means a feeling of concern for the wellbeing of others. Those following Confucianism should bring Jen into both their social relations and, so far as they are able, into society itself.
Compared with the modern observed conditions of Happiness this looks like good advice. Generally speaking makes us happier, more friends make us happier and people are especially happy if they have someone to confide in. Classical Taoism goes along with this point but

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