Tuesday 13 January 2009

Albert Bierstadt The Buffalo Trail

Albert Bierstadt The Buffalo TrailAlbert Bierstadt The Emerald PoolAlbert Bierstadt The Shore of the Turquoise Sea
Some say that laughter is the best Medicine, and research seems to back this up - studies show that laughing has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system.
As it turns out, music might be an even better Medicine than laughter .
Researchers at that matches the response found by an earlier study on laugher. The music caused tissue in the inner lining of blood vessels to or expand which increased blood flow. Conversely, listening to music that was perceived as stressful caused their blood vessels to narrow, producing a potentially unhealthy response that reduces blood flow.
It’s what I’ve been saying all along: listening to good music gives you life, listening to bad music will kill you.the University of Maryland School of Medicine in Baltimore have consucted a study which concludes that listening to your favorite music may be good for your cardiovascular system : music that causes you joy has a positive effect on blood vessel functions.In the study, participants were allowed to select music which made them feel good and brought them joy. Researchers found a healthy response

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