Monday 12 January 2009

John Singer Sargent The Simplon

John Singer Sargent The SimplonJohn Singer Sargent The Daughters of Edward Darley BoitJohn Singer Sargent Rio dei Mendicanti
Risk-taking, by definition, defies logic. Reason can't explain why people do unpredictable things — like betting on blackjack or jumping out of planes — for little or, sometimes, no reward at all. There's the thrill, of course, but those brief moments explanation for why certain people tend to live life on the edge — it involves the neurotransmitter dopamine, the brain's feel-good chemical.
Dopamine is responsible for making us feel satisfied after a filling meal, happy when our favorite football team wins, or really happy when we use stimulating drugs like amphetamines or cocaine, which can artificially squeeze more dopamine out of the of ecstasy aren't enough to keep most risk takers coming back for more — which they do, again and again, like addicts.A new study by researchers at Vanderbilt University in Nashville and Albert Einstein in New York City suggests a biological

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