Sunday 22 February 2009

Edward Hopper Lighthouse Hill

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Love really could be a drug, say scientists, who believe that one day the feelings may be induced by popping a pill or smelling perfume.
It may not be the most romantic gesture but scientists are developing drugs that can boost that most human of to shed light on the complex neural and genetic components of love in the same way they have led to pharmaceutical therapies for anxiety, phobias and post-traumatic stress disorders.
The behavioural scientist Professor Larry Young, of Emory University, Georgia, writing in the journal Nature, said: "For one thing, drugs that manipulate brain systems at whim to enhance or diminish our love for another may not be far away."emotions.They are studying the brain chemistry responsible for the complex feelings that draw us to a particular member of the opposite sex and help keep us monogamous.Animal testing is beginning

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