Monday 2 February 2009

Edward Hopper Summertime

Edward Hopper SummertimeEdward Hopper Night WindowsEdward Hopper Lighthouse Hill
what about Lord Boreal? Sir Charles? He was enough, wasn't he?"
"Yes, but remember, he could go back to his own world whenever he liked and get again. That's where you saw him first, after all, in your world. He must have found some secret window that no one else knew about."
"Well, we could do , suspicious.
"It was a female angel," said Kirjava.
"I've never heard of one of them. Maybe she was lying."
Will was thinking through another possibility. "Suppose they closed all the other windows," he said, "and we just made one when we needed to, and went through that!""We could, except that...""All the windows must be closed," said Pantalaimon. "All of them.""But how do you know?" demanded Lyra."An angel told us," said Kirjava. "We met an angel. She told us all about that, and other things as well. It's true, Lyra.""She?" said Lyra passionately

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