Thursday 26 February 2009

Thomas Kinkade Hometown Pride

Thomas Kinkade Hometown PrideThomas Kinkade HOMETOWN EVENINGThomas Kinkade HOME FOR THE HOLIDAYSThomas Kinkade Evening Glow
I’d have bad asthma and spend most of the day stuck in a chair unable to move. At night I wore an oxygen mask to keep me alive.”hour op she spent 36 hours in intensive care. But she pulled through—and a year later weighs 14 stone, is size
She was referred to an eating disorders team and saw counsellors and nutritionwas crushing my internal organs. I was so ill I had only months to live and I might not see my 18th birthday.”
Her only hope was a bypass to drastically reduce the size of her stomach and restrict the amount she could eat. After the six-16 and eats 1,000 calories a day.
Her asthma has gone and she has a full-time job in Business admin. Malissa said: “I’ve massive scars down my body where they had to slice through said: “I knew Malissa was far too fat. But her eating habits proved impossible for anyone to control.”Malissa’s dramatic wake

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