Thursday 22 January 2009

Jack Vettriano The Innocents

Jack Vettriano The InnocentsJack Vettriano The Great PoetJack Vettriano The Gathering Clouds
Mary looked up uneasily. She knew without having to check through the spyglass that the shadow particles were streaming away faster than ever.
I hope so, she said. But I don't know how.
In the early evening, when the were lit and the first stars were coming out, a group of strangers arrived. Mary was "Lyra," she said, "something's happened, they've found something they can't explain and it's... I don't know what it is... I've got to go and look. It's an hour or so away. I'll come back as soon as I can. Help yourself to anything you need from my house, I can't stop, they're too anxious...”
"All right," said Lyra, still dazed from her long sleep.washing; she heard the thunder of their wheels and the agitated murmur of their talk, and hurried out of her house, drying herself.Will and Lyra had been asleep all afternoon, and they were just stirring now, hearing the noise. Lyra sat up groggily to see Mary talking to five or six of the mulefa, who were surrounding her, clearly excited; but whether they were angry or joyful, she couldn't tell.Mary saw her and broke away.

Wednesday 21 January 2009

William Bouguereau The Abduction of Psyche

William Bouguereau The Abduction of PsycheGustav Klimt lady with fanClaude Monet The Water Lily Pond
far now!"
And then came a cry in a voice that Lyra knew and loved better than any other:
"Oh, come quick! Quick, Lyra!"
"Pan, darling, I'm here their target, too, and they pressed in through the snagging tangle of bush and briar and root and branch, meeting no more resistance than smoke. A dozen, a score of the pallid malignities seemed to pour in toward the center of the grove, where John Parry's ghost marshaled his companions to fight them off.
Will and Lyra were both trembling and weak with fear, exhaustion...”She hurled herself into the dark, sobbing and shaking, and Will tore down branches and ivy and slashed at brambles and nettles, while all around them the ghost-voices rose in a clamor of encouragement and warning.But the Specters had found

Tuesday 20 January 2009

Andy Warhol Shoes 1980

Andy Warhol Shoes 1980Andy Warhol Marilyn Monroe PinkPablo Picasso Don Quixote
Go and bring him back," she said, and the monkey, crouching low, darted from one rock to another, making for the little patch of green among the rocks. His golden fur was soon darkened by the rain and plastered close to his body, making him smaller and less easy to see, but all the same he was horribly conspicuous.
Father MacPhail, meanwhile, had turned to the bomb again. The engineers from the generating station had brought their cable right of a saint in the ecstasy of martyrdom. Mrs. Coulter felt a sudden bolt of fear, because she knew exactly what he intended: he was going to sacrifice himself. The bomb would work whether or not she was part of it.
Darting from rock to rock, the golden monkey reached Lord Roke.down to it, and the technicians were busy securing the clamps and making ready the terminals.Mrs. Coulter wondered what he intended to do, now that his victim had escaped. Then the President turned to look over his shoulder, and she saw his expression. It was so fixed and intense that he looked more like a mask than a man. His lips were moving in prayer, his eyes were turned up wide open as the rain beat into them, and altogether he looked like some gloomy Spanish painting

Sunday 18 January 2009

Gustave Courbet Plage de Normandie

Gustave Courbet Plage de NormandieThomas Kinkade HOMETOWN MORNINGEdward Hopper Sunday
President wondered why she was smiling. Surely she didn't approve of this wretched boy?
"We know," he said shortly.
"Well, well," she said. "Fra Pavel must be getting quicker. When I knew him, it would have taken him a month at least to read all that."
She sipped her chocolatebetween a mother and her child. If you thought for one moment that I would release my daughter into the care, the care! , of a body of men with a feverish obsession with men with dirty fingernailswith it, to his great annoyance.
"Of course you are under arrest," said the President, taking the other chair and turning up the lamp.
"Oh, why Brother Louis, after trying two or three times to make conversation, gave up and led her in silence to the President's rooms in the tower. Father MacPhail was at his devotions, and poor Brother Louis's hand shook violently as he knocked. They heard a sigh and a groan, and then heavy footsteps crossed

Friday 16 January 2009

Jack Vettriano A Test of True Love

Jack Vettriano A Test of True LoveJack Vettriano A Terrible BeautyJack Vettriano A Mutual Understanding
didn't know, and I didn't know...
The woman, Martha, dished the stew onto chipped enamel plates and put some in a bowl for the deaths to pass among themselves. They didn't eat, but the good smell kept them content. Presently all the family and their guests were eating all of them.
She started by telling about her parents. They were a duke and duchess, very important had been cheated out of their estate by a political enemy and thrown into prison. But they managed to escape by climbing down a rope with the baby Lyra in her father's arms, and they regained the family fortune, only to be attacked and murdered by outlawshungrily, and Peter asked the children where they'd come from, and what their world was like."I'll tell you all about it," said Lyra.As she said that, as she took charge, part of her felt a little stream of pleasure rising upward in her breast like the bubbles in champagne. And she knew Will was watching, and she was happy that he could see her doing what she was best at, doing it for him and for

Thursday 15 January 2009

Paul Gauguin The Vision After the Sermon

Paul Gauguin The Vision After the SermonPaul Gauguin Spirit of the Dead WatchingPaul Gauguin Hail Mary
soon as you have spoken to your friend."
Will nodded. Lyra took no notice. Presently she sat up wearily and pulled on her socks and shoes, and they set off once more.
Another hour, andIgnoring Will, he let Lyra clasp his neck and bury her face in his fur, growling so deep that Will felt it through his feet; but Lyra felt it as pleasure and forgot her blisters and her weariness in a moment.
"Oh, Iorek, my dear, I'm so glad to see you! I never thought I'd ever see you again, after that time on Svalbard, and all the things that've happened, is Mr. Scoresby safe? How's your kingdom? Are you all alone here most of the valley was in shadow, and Will was wondering whether they would find any shelter before night fell; but then Lyra gave a cry of relief and joy."Iorek! Iorek!"She had seen him before Will had. The bear-king was some way off still, his white coat indistinct against a patch of snow, but when Lyra's voice echoed out he turned his head, raised it to sniff, and bounded down the mountainside toward them.?"

Wednesday 14 January 2009

Thomas Gainsborough Mrs Sheridan

Thomas Gainsborough Mrs SheridanSandro Botticelli Venus and MarsJean Beraud La Rue de la Paix
example, do you think I could find a passage on a steamer going south?"
The priest's huge face darkened, and he crossed himself with a delicate flick of the wrist.
"There is trouble in the town," he said. "Lydia Alexandrovna has a sister who came here and told her there is a boat carrying bears up the river. Armored bears. They come from the Arctic. You did not see armored bears when you were in the north?"
The priest was suspicious, All things from the north are devilish. Like the witches, daughters of evil! The Church should have put them all to death many years ago. Witches, have nothing to do with them, Will Ivanovitch, you hear me? You know what they will do when you come to the right age? They will try and Balthamos whispered so quietly that only Will could hear: "Be careful." And Will knew at once why he'd said it: his heart had begun to pound when Semyon Borisovitch mentioned the bears, because of what Lyra had told him about them. He must try to contain his feelings.He said, "We were a long way from Svalbard, and the bears were occupied with their own affairs.""Yes, that is what I heard," said the priest, to Will's relief, "But now they are leaving their coming south. They have a boat, and the people of the town will not let them refuel. They are afraid of the bears. And so they should be, they are children of the devil.

Tuesday 13 January 2009

Albert Bierstadt The Buffalo Trail

Albert Bierstadt The Buffalo TrailAlbert Bierstadt The Emerald PoolAlbert Bierstadt The Shore of the Turquoise Sea
Some say that laughter is the best Medicine, and research seems to back this up - studies show that laughing has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system.
As it turns out, music might be an even better Medicine than laughter .
Researchers at that matches the response found by an earlier study on laugher. The music caused tissue in the inner lining of blood vessels to or expand which increased blood flow. Conversely, listening to music that was perceived as stressful caused their blood vessels to narrow, producing a potentially unhealthy response that reduces blood flow.
It’s what I’ve been saying all along: listening to good music gives you life, listening to bad music will kill you.the University of Maryland School of Medicine in Baltimore have consucted a study which concludes that listening to your favorite music may be good for your cardiovascular system : music that causes you joy has a positive effect on blood vessel functions.In the study, participants were allowed to select music which made them feel good and brought them joy. Researchers found a healthy response

Monday 12 January 2009

John Singer Sargent The Simplon

John Singer Sargent The SimplonJohn Singer Sargent The Daughters of Edward Darley BoitJohn Singer Sargent Rio dei Mendicanti
Risk-taking, by definition, defies logic. Reason can't explain why people do unpredictable things — like betting on blackjack or jumping out of planes — for little or, sometimes, no reward at all. There's the thrill, of course, but those brief moments explanation for why certain people tend to live life on the edge — it involves the neurotransmitter dopamine, the brain's feel-good chemical.
Dopamine is responsible for making us feel satisfied after a filling meal, happy when our favorite football team wins, or really happy when we use stimulating drugs like amphetamines or cocaine, which can artificially squeeze more dopamine out of the of ecstasy aren't enough to keep most risk takers coming back for more — which they do, again and again, like addicts.A new study by researchers at Vanderbilt University in Nashville and Albert Einstein in New York City suggests a biological

Thursday 8 January 2009

Andy Warhol Mao Red

Andy Warhol Mao RedAndy Warhol Mao Pink ShirtAndy Warhol Mao 1972
astute criticism leveled by the gay Democratic congressman Barney Frank, who, in dissenting from the Warren choice, said of Obama, “I think he overestimates his ability to get people to put aside fundamental differences.” That’s a polite way of describing the Obama cockiness. It will take more than the force of the new president’s was a serious shock to gay Americans and to all the rest of us who believe that all marriages should be equal under the law. The roles played by African-Americans (who voted 70 percent personality and eloquence to turn our nation into the United States of America he and we all want it to be.Obama may not only overestimate his ability to bridge some of our fundamental differences but also underestimate how persistent some of those differences are. The exhilaration of his decisive election victory and the deserved applause that has greeted his mostly glitch-free transition can’t entirely mask the tensions underneath. Before there is profound social change, there is always high anxiety.The success of Proposition 8 in California

Wednesday 7 January 2009

Andy Warhol Guns

Andy Warhol GunsAndy Warhol Gun 1982Andy Warhol Gun 1981-82
used to have a guy where I was a broker who wrote reports. He was told to do a report with charts and graphs. He said, "OK, do you want it to be bullish or bearish?" He could slant it any way we told him using the same facts and statistics and never tell a lie. The small investor is at the mercy of these people.
One of the greatest sources of tell you that all the information you can gather about any company or mutual fund is totally and completely worthless. Trying to pick a winning stock is very difficult so what I do is let a very smart guy do it for me and he does it at no charge. How? Simple. I hire the manager of a no-load mutual fund that is currently going up and I buy that. As long as his fund is information is Morningstar. They have every bit of information that is available about a company and they will sell it to you at a reasonable price. My problem with all this information is there is one important thing they cannot tell you - if I buy it, will it go up?After more than 30 years in the I will

Tuesday 6 January 2009

Jack Vettriano The Man in the Mirror

Jack Vettriano The Man in the MirrorJack Vettriano The Last Great RomanticJack Vettriano The Drifter
tossed it to Ennis.
On the third morning there were the clouds Ennis had expected, a grey racer out of the west, a bar of darkness driving wind before it and small flakes. It faded after an hour into tender spring snow that heaped wet and heavy. By nightfall it turned colder. Jack and Ennis air scented with resinous lodgepole, the dry needle duff and hot rock, bitter juniper crushed beneath the horses’ hooves. Ennis, weathereyed, looked west for the heated cumulus that might come up on such a day but the boneless blue was so deep, said Jack, that he might drown looking up.
Around three they swung through a narrow pass to a southeast slope where the strong spring sun had had a chance to work, dropped down to the trail men with all of it before them. Jack had filled out through the shoulders and hams, Ennis stayed as lean as a clothes-pole, stepped around in worn boots, jeans and shirts summer and winter, added a canvas coat in cold weather. A benign growth appeared on his eyelid and gave it a drooping appearance, a broken nose healed crooked.her tone he knew something was coming, “I used to wonder how come you never brought any trouts home. Always said

Monday 5 January 2009

Andy Warhol Shadows I painting

Andy Warhol Shadows I paintingAndy Warhol Oxidation paintingAndy Warhol Neuschwanstein painting
The party set out to walk back and sleep in the Temple of Light. It was a melancholy journey; all regretted the peace inclined to blame Tyltyl for his want of caution. Sugar edged up to Bread and whispered in his ear:
"Don't you think, Mr. Chairman, that all this excitement is very useless?"
And Bread, who felt flattered at receiving so much attention, answered, pompously:
"Never you fearbad.
Poor things! The Fairy BĂ©rylune, when making them a present of their human life, ought to have thrown in a little wisdom. They were not so much to blame. Of course, they were only following Man's example. Given the power of speaking, they jabbered; knowing how to judge, they condemned, my dear fellow, I shall put all be unbearable if we had to listen to all the whimsies of that little madcap! . . To-morrow, we shall stay in bed!..." They forgot that, but for the boy at whom they were sneering, they would never have been alive at all; and that, if he had suddenly told Bread that he must go back to his pan to be eaten and Sugar that he was to be cut into small lumps to sweeten Daddy Mummy Tyl's syrups, they would have thrown themselves at their benefactor's feet and begged for mercy. In fact, they were incapable of appreciating their good luck until they were brought face to face with

Friday 2 January 2009

Kahlo Tunas Still Life with Prickly Pear Fruit

Kahlo Tunas Still Life with Prickly Pear FruitKahlo Tree of HopeKahlo The Love Embrace of the Universe the Earth Mexico Me Diego and Mr XolotlKahlo The Little Deer
They prefer people with experience because companies are not willing to spend money training the university students," she says.
High costs
Students are taking jobs that previous years' intakes would not have been willing to accept.
Graduates face fierce competition for jobs in the economic slowdown.But that does not always pay the bills, and most importantly the student debts.
Another of this year's graduates, Teresa Yan, a journalism student from Shanghai International Studies University, says the market for public relations and journalism jobs is really bad.
"I'm not from to be really tough if all I can find is a job paying $150 a month - the only kind of job that's really on offer."
The government says finding work for graduates like her and finding jobs for the migrant workers who have been forced to return to their villages after factories have closed are its twin priorities.