Friday 31 October 2008

Herbert James Draper The Water Nymph painting

Herbert James Draper The Water Nymph paintingHerbert James Draper Pot Pourri paintingHerbert James Draper Lancelot and Guinevere painting
average person. I’m not saying you should never use credit cards — obviously they are convenient for online purchases or traveling, although for these purposes you could use a debit card that’s backed by a major credit card company in most cases (I have). But my advice is to just have one credit card (cancel all the rest) and to keep the balance at $0. Only use it when you actually have the money in the bank, and then pay it off immediately. Don’t use your credit card when you don’t have the money — that will just lead to trouble. Make a commitment to doing this, and you’ll avoid credit problems and be in good shape, whether a recession hits or not.the boys are like you_. A few moments later Chamcha came up, reeking of patchouli, wearing a white kurta, everybody's goddamn cartoon of the mysteries of the East, and the girl left with him five minutes later. The bastard, Jumpy Joshi thought as the old bitterness surged back, he had no shame, he was ready to be anything they wanted to buy, that read-your-palm bedspread-jacket HareKrishna dharma-bum, you wouldn't have caught me dead. That stopped

Thursday 30 October 2008

Unknown Artist Brent Heighton Piano Jazz painting

Unknown Artist Brent Heighton Piano Jazz paintingUnknown Artist Brent Heighton Jazz Night Out paintingAlbert Bierstadt Sierra Nevada painting
frames, ancient tuckboxes stuffed with bundles of letters tied up in ribbons, mothballed silk--and-lace lingerie, the tearstained reading matter of once--young girls, lacrosse sticks, stamp albums, and all the buried treasure--chests of memories and lost time. The coastline had changed, had moved a mile or more out to sea, leaving the first Norman castle stranded far from water, lapped now by marshy land that afflicted with all manner of dank and boggy agues the poor who lived there on their whatstheword _estates_. She, the old lady, saw the castle as the ruin of a fish betrayed by an antique ebbing tide, as a sea-monster petrified by time. Nine hundred years! Nine centuries past, the Norman fleet had sailed right through this On clear nights when the moon was full, she waited for its shining, revenant ghost.
Best place to see 'em come, she reassured herself, grandstand view. Repetition had become a comfort in her antiquity; the well-worn phrases, _, grandstand view_, made her feel solid, unchanging, sempiternal, instead of the creature of cracks and absences she knew herself to be. -- When the full moon sets, the dark before the dawn, that's their moment

Herbert James Draper Pot Pourri painting

Herbert James Draper Pot Pourri paintingHerbert James Draper Lancelot and Guinevere paintingHerbert James Draper Lament for Icarus painting
thought? His own sons are here now: the colossus of Hubal, sent by the Amalekites from Hit, stands above the treasury well, Hubal the shepherd, the waxing crescent moon; also, glowering, dangerous Kain. He is the waning crescent, blacksmith and is well known throughout Jahilia. So that was all he meant! Trembling with relief, Baal remains prostrate, giving thanks to his patron Lady. Who looks upon him benignly; but a goddess's expresson is not to be relied upon. Baal has made a serious mistake.
Without warning, the Grandee kicks the poet in the kidney. Attacked just when he has decided he's safe, Baa; he, too, has his devotees.
Hubal and Kain look down on Grandee and poet as they stroll. And the Nabataean proto-Dionysus, He-Of-Shara; the morning star, Astarte, and saturnine Nakruh. Here is the sun god, Manaf! Look, there flaps the giant Nasr, the god in eagleform! See Quzah

Edward Hopper Night Windows painting

Edward Hopper Night Windows paintingEdward Hopper Lighthouse Hill paintingEdward Hopper Hotel Room painting
qasidah, poems of wayward mistresses, desert adventure, the hunting of the onager. In a day or so it will be time for the annual poetry competition, after which the seven best verses will be nailed up on the walls of the House of the Black Stone. The poets are getting into shape for their big day; Abu Simbel laughs at minstrels singing vicious satires, vitriolic odes commissioned by one chief against another, by one tribe against its neighbour. And nods in recognition as one of the poets falls into step beside him, a sharp narrow youth with swords. Entertainment -- dice, belly-dancers, palm-wine, the smoking of hashish and afeem -- is the prerogative of the fourth quarter of the tribe, the Owners of the Dappled Camels, who also run the slave trade. Abu Simbel looks into a dance tent. Pilgrims sit clutching money-bags in their left hands; name eventually; it, too, is changed by the dream. Here he is, Karim Abu Simbel, Grandee of Jahilia, husband to the ferocious, beautiful Hind. Head of the ruling council of the city, rich beyond numbering, owner of the lucrative temples at the city gates, in camels, comptroller of caravans, his wife the greatest beauty in the land: what could shake the certainties of such a man? And

Tuesday 28 October 2008

Pierre Auguste Renoir Les baigneuses painting

Pierre Auguste Renoir Les baigneuses paintingPierre Auguste Renoir La Moulin de la Galette paintingPierre Auguste Renoir By the Seashore painting
Chamcha. "He's a cut-sird." Jalandri had become the first target because of his decision to give up the turban and cut his hair, which made him a traitor to his faith, a shorn Sirdarji. _Cut-Sird_. A seven--letter condemnation; no appeal.
Jalandri had fallen to his knees, stains were spreading on the seat of his trousers, she was dragging him to the door by his hair. Nobody moved. Dara Buta Man Singh turned away from the tableau. He was kneeling with his back to the open door; she made him turn round, shot him in the back of the head, and he toppled out on to the tarmac. Tavleen shut the door.
Man Singh, youngest and jumpiest of the quartet, screamed at her: "Now where do we go? In any damn place they'll send the commandos in for sure. We're gone geese now."
"Martyrdom is a privilege," she said softly. "We shall be like stars; like the sun."

Monday 27 October 2008

William Bouguereau The Abduction of Psyche painting

William Bouguereau The Abduction of Psyche paintingPierre-Auguste Cot spring paintingWilliam Bouguereau the first kiss painting
findings from the multitude of studies collected in the World Database of to reach the conclusion that, compared to ancient Buddhism and Taoism, it is Confucius' philosophical teachings that are most likely to lead to a So, here (briefly) is Confucius' advice on how to live the good life, contrasted with some of the tenets of Taoism and Buddhism.
1. Invest in intimate ties
Confucianism's view of life is built on the idea of 'Jen'. This means a feeling of concern for the wellbeing of others. Those following Confucianism should bring Jen into both their social relations and, so far as they are able, into society itself.
Compared with the modern observed conditions of Happiness this looks like good advice. Generally speaking makes us happier, more friends make us happier and people are especially happy if they have someone to confide in. Classical Taoism goes along with this point but

Edward Hopper Chop Suey painting

Edward Hopper Chop Suey paintingCaravaggio Adoration of the Shepherds paintingThomas Moran Forest Scene painting
the fish-dance. But first he had to sit through a short melodramatic interlude called Laureolus, or The Robber Chief. There was a lot of slaughter in it and the actors, a second-rate lot, had all found blood-bladders to put in their mouths in imitation of Mnester. You never saw such an ill-omened mess as they made of the stage! When the fish-dance was over Vinicius rose again: "To tell the truth, Lord, I would love to stay but Cloacina calls me. It's some confounded thing I ate.
"Soft but cohesive let my offerings flow, Not roughly swift, nor impudently slow…"
Caligula laughed. "Don't blame it on me, my dear fellow. You're one of my best friends. I wouldn't doctor your food for the world."
Vinicius went out by the stage-door and found Cassius and The Tiger in the court. "You'd better come back," he said. "He's sitting it out to the end."
Cassius said: "Very well. Let's go back. I'm going to kill him where he sits. I expect you to stand by me."
Just then a Guardsman came up to Cassius and said, "The boys

Raphael Saint George and the Dragon painting

Raphael Saint George and the Dragon paintingPablo Picasso The Old Guitarist paintingPablo Picasso Girl Before a Mirror painting
might want to stick this list on your fridge to remind you of the benefits of exercise.
There are a some important guidelines for exercising. As a general rule, the intensity of exercise should not exceed certain limits. If monitoring heart rate use the simple equation - 200 minus your age (in years) to estimate the working heart rate you should remain under.
If you don’t exercise, your fitness slips a little each day. The Keizan method of introducing exercise reverses that trend, little by little. Of course we want to feel the benefits of exercise all at once. However, we need to of these columns? I have often wondered. Now comesan answer.
that intellectual work—that’s right, I’m calling this stuff, ya know, intellectual—induces a big increase in caloric intake. The research had 14 Canadian students do three things at different times: sit and relax; complete a series of memory and attention tests; and read and summarize a text. (It was that last activity that disqualified rodents and U.S. students as study subjects.) After 45 minutes at each task, the kids were treated to an all-you-can-eat buffet lunch. Because Canada has a truly advanced code of human-subject research ethics.

Friday 24 October 2008

Rene Magritte The Empire of Light painting

Rene Magritte The Empire of Light paintingRene Magritte The Big Family paintingRene Magritte Primevere painting
Gaetulicus were accused of conspiracy-Ganymede with designs on the monarchy, Gaetulicus with abetting him, and that both were put to death without trial. Lesbia and Agrippinilla (the latter's husband had lately died of dropsy) were also supposed to be in the plot. They were banished to an island off the coast of Africa near Carthage. It was a very hot, very arid island where sponge was the only industry, and Caligula ordered them to learn the trade of diving for sponges, for he said that he could not afford to support them longer. But before being sent to their island they had a task laid on them: they had to walk to Rome, all the way from Lyons, under an armed escort, and take turns at carrying in their arms the um in which Ganymede's ashes had been put. This was a punishment for their persistent adultery with Ganymede, as Caligula explained in a lofty styled letter he sent the Senate. He enlarged on his own great clemency in not putting them to death. Why, they

Joseph Mallord William Turner Heidelberg painting

Joseph Mallord William Turner Heidelberg paintingGustave Courbet Forest in Autumn paintingTheodore Robinson View of the Seine painting
was the most remarkable exhibit of Caligula's triumphal procession-Eleazar, the Parthian hostage; who was the tallest man in the world. He was over eleven foot high. He was not, however, strong in proportion to his THE EXPENSE OF THIS TWO DAYS' ENTERTAINMENT DRAINED the Treasury and the Privy Purse completely dry. To make things worse Caligula, instead of returning the vessels to their masters and crew, ordered the breach in the bridge to height; he had a voice like the bleat of a camel and a weak back, and was considered to be of feeble intellect. He was a Jew by birth. Caligula had the body stuffed and dressed in armour and put Eleazar outside the door of his bedchamber to frighten away would-be assassins.repaired and then, riding back to Rome, busied himself with other affairs. Neptune, to prove himself no coward, sent a heavy storm at the bridge from the west and sank about a thousand ships. Most of the rest dragged their anchors and were driven ashore. About two thousand rode the storm

Johannes Vermeer Young Woman with a Water Jug painting

Johannes Vermeer Young Woman with a Water Jug paintingJohannes Vermeer The Procuress paintingJohannes Vermeer Diana and her Companions painting
most dignified member of the Senate. Augustus, a year before his death, had said. that he was the only possible choice for Emperor, failing Tiberius; Tiberius had already once tried to convict him of treason, but unsuccessfully. Old Arruntius was the only remaining link with the Augustan age. On the previous occasion sentiment had been so strong against his accusers, though it was believed that they were acting on Tiberius's instigation, that they were themselves tried, convicted of perjury and put to death. It was known now that Macro had recently had a dispute with Arruntius about money, so the trial was adjourned until Tiberius should have confirmed Macro's commission. Tiberius neglected to reply to the Senate's enquiry, so Arruntius and the rest had been in prison for some time. At last Tiberius sent the necessary confirmation, and the day for the new trial was fixed. Arruntius had determined to kill himself before the trial came off so that his estate should not be confiscated and his

Thursday 23 October 2008

Theodore Robinson The Cowherd painting

Theodore Robinson The Cowherd paintingTheodore Robinson Man with Scythe paintingTheodore Robinson Figure in a Landscape painting
then to make sure that he was equally bloody-minded and fearless. Caligula dressed up in a woman's wig and clothes and, picking up a couple of young prostitutes, began frequenting the suburban taverns where the soldiers drank in the evening. With a heavily made up face and .padded figure he passed for a woman, a tall and not very one, but still, a woman. The account that he gave of himself in the taverns was that he was being kept by a rich shop keeper who gave him plenty of money-on the strength of which he used to stand drinks all round. This generosity made him very popular. He soon came to know a great deal of camp gossip, and the name that was constantly coming up in conversations was that of a captain called Macro. Macro was the son of one of Tiberius's freedmen, and from all accounts was the toughest fellow in Rome. The soldiers all spoke admiringly of his drinking feats and his wenching and his domination of the other captains and his presence of mind in difficult situations. Even Sejanus was afraid of him, they said: Macro was the only man who ever stood up to him. So Caligula picked up with Macro one evening and secretly introduced himself: the two went off for a stroll together and had

Salvador Dali Spectre of Vermeer painting

Salvador Dali Spectre of Vermeer paintingSalvador Dali Music The Red Orchestra The Seven Arts paintingSalvador Dali Morphological Echo painting
allowed to keep the property if he anticipated the verdict by immediate suicide. He was a coward and could not bring himself to drive the dagger . Eventually he got into a hot bath and ordered a surgeon to open his veins for him; he slowly and painlessly bled to death. I felt very badly about his death. I had not accused Urgulanilla of the murder at once because I would have been asked why when I heard the first shrieks I had not jumped up and rescued Apronia. I had decided to wait until the trial and only come forward if Plautius seemed likely to be condemned. I knew nothing about the dagger until it was too late. I comforted myself by the thought that he had treated Numantina very cruelly and had been a bad friend to me, besides. To clear Plautius*s memory his brother brought a charge against Numantina of having disordered Plautius's wits by witchcraft. But Tiberius intervened and said that he was satisfied that Plautius had been in full possession of his faculties at the time. Numantina was discharged.
There was not another word spoken between Urgulanilla and myself

Vincent van Gogh View of Arles with Irises painting

Vincent van Gogh View of Arles with Irises paintingVincent van Gogh The Old Mill paintingVincent van Gogh Still Life with Absinthe painting
Suddenly there was a heavy step behind me and my lamp was blown out. I told myself:
"You're done for now, Claudius. Here's someone with a dagger." But I said aloud as calmly as I could: "Please light the lamp, whoever you may be, and see if we can't talk things over quietly. And if you decide to kill me you'll be able to see better with the lamp lit."
A deep voice answered: "Stay where you are."
There was shuffling and grunting and the sound of someone dressing and then of flint and steel struck together and at last the lamp was lit. It was Urgulanilla. I had not seen her since Drusillus's funeral and she had not grown any prettier in those five years. She was stouter than ever, colossally stout, and bloatedfaced; there was enough strength in this female Hercules to have overpowered a thousand Claudiuses. I am pretty strong in the arms; but she had only to throw herself on me and she would have crushed me to death.
She came towards me and said slowly: "What are you doing

Wednesday 22 October 2008

Jean Beraud Le Billard painting

Jean Beraud Le Billard paintingJean Beraud La Rue de la Paix 1907 paintingJean Beraud At the Bistro painting
that all the trouble is about."
So Livia went to PIancina and told her that Tiberius refused to listen to reason, and that he would rather sacrifice his own mother to popular hatred than risk his own skin in standing by his friends. All that she had been able to get from him, she said, was a grudging promise of pardon for her if the letter were given up. So PIancina went to Piso with a letter in Tiberius's name, forged by Livia, and said that she had arranged everything beautifully and here was the promise of acquittal. As Piso handed her the letter in exchange she suddenly stabbed him in the throat with a dagger. As he lay dying she dipped the point of his sword in blood, clasped his sword-hand around the pommel and left him. She took the letter and the forged promise back to Livia as arranged.
In the Senate next day Tiberius read a statement which he said that Fiso had made before his suicide, pleading complete innocence of the

Vincent van Gogh Self Portrait painting

Vincent van Gogh Self Portrait paintingVincent van Gogh Sunflowers paintingVincent van Gogh The Starry Night painting
legs broken, their horses falling on them. One man was picked up dead. Agrippina sent a young staff-officer to request Plancina to stop making a fool of herself and the Army. Plancina sent back the answer, in parody of Agrippina's own brave words at the Rhine bridge: "Until my husband-returns I am in command of the cavalry. I am preparing them for the expected Parthian invasion." Some Parthian ambassadors had, as a matter of fact, just arrived in camp, and were watching this display in astonishment and contempt.
Now, Vonones, before he had been king of Armenia, had been king of Parthia, from which he had been quickly expelled. His successor had sent these ambassadors to Germanicus to propose that the alliance between Rome and Parthia should be renewed and to say that in honour of Germanicus he would come to the River Euphrates (the boundary between Syria and Parthia) to greet him. In the meantime he requested that Vonones might not be allowed to

Tuesday 21 October 2008

Mark Rothko Orange and Yellow painting

Mark Rothko Orange and Yellow paintingWassily Kandinsky Improvisation paintingVincent van Gogh The Sower painting
When Haterius, who was always ready to carry on the gag, rose to rebuke him for this incorrect way of speaking he would apologize profusely and say that nothing was farther from his mind than to do anything in disobedience of the orders of His Sacred… oh, dear, it was so easy to fall into that mistaken way of speaking, a thousand apologies once more… he meant, contrary to the wishes of his honoured friend and fellow-senator Tiberius Nero Caesar Augustus.
"Not Augustus, fool," which had offended him because he knew that Haterius saw through his intentions. The next day Haterius pursued the joke by falling at Tiberius's feet and pleading for pardon for not having been warm enough. Tiberius started back that on the very few occasions when he spoke briefly and without any rhetoric

Mary Cassatt Tea painting

Mary Cassatt Tea paintingEdward Hopper Gas paintingEdward Hopper Ground Swell painting
All this and more, just 19.95 plus shipping and handling, in 30 days guaranteed or your money back! And of course, the fine print: *Results not typical.
The fact is, there is no free lunch, and when it sounds too good to be true, it usually is.Overnight Success Rarely Happens Overnight
So often we think of people that are overnight successes, but the truth is many were laying the foundation for success their whole lives. Take Tim Ferris as an example – the 4 Hour Work Week author was an overnight phenomenon a year ago, and seemingly came out of nowhere. As he has related in interviews though, his overnight success was anything but. He pitched his book to 15 publishers, because 14 rejected him. His promotional campaign was virtually all grassroots: he went to conferences where bloggers were gathering, formed real friendships, and then asked if they would mind reviewing his book. The overnight success was months, if not years, in the making.

Monday 20 October 2008

Rembrandt Rembrandt night watch painting

Rembrandt Rembrandt night watch painting
Rembrandt Belshazzar's Feast painting
General word that he was coming down the Rhine at once at the head of a powerful force and that if such loyal men as remained under his command did not quickly follow the example of the Bonn regiments and execute the troublemakers he would put the whole lot to the sword indiscriminately. The General read the letter privately to the standard-bearers, non-commissioned officers and a few trustworthy old soldiers and told them that there was little time for delay; for Germanicus might be on them any moment. They promised him to do what they could and, letting a few more loyalists into the secret
Lord Frederick Leighton Leighton Flaming June painting
General word that he was coming down the Rhine at once at the head of a powerful force and that if such loyal men as remained under his command did not quickly follow the example of the Bonn regiments and execute the troublemakers he would put the whole lot to the sword indiscriminately. The General read the letter privately to the standard-bearers, non-commissioned officers and a few trustworthy old soldiers and told them that there was little time for delay; for Germanicus might be on them any moment. They promised him to do what they could and, letting a few more loyalists into the secret

James Jacques Joseph Tissot paintings

James Jacques Joseph Tissot paintings
occupation, the secret to success revolves around your ability to recognize and deal with the part of you that offers resistance.
Self-discipline is NOT a personality trait that either you have or you don’t have. It is a skill that can be learned and developed.
The next time your self-discipline is about to go off track ask yourself, “How can I get myself to do what a part of me doesn’t want to do?”
Jules Joseph Lefebvre paintings
Quitters never win and winners never quit (Persist, persist and persist). Calvin Coolidge couldn’t have said it better. “Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not: Nothing is more common than unrewarded talent. Education alone will not: The world is full of educated failures. Persistence alone is omnipotent.”
5. Do not sulk but learn. It’s impossible to get it right 100% of the time. It is because of your failure that you learn what works and what doesn’t. Criticizing yourself is not going to make any difference. Instead it would drain your energy and dissuade you.
Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres paintings

Henry Peeters paintings

Henry Peeters paintings
Hessam Abrishami paintings
the South of Italy. However, Germanicus was in the same case as myself, which was some comfort. He had volunteered for service in Germany, but Augustus needed him at Rome, where he was very popular, to help him quell the civil disturbances which he feared might break out as soon as the troops had left the City.
Meanwhile the Germans hunted down all the fugitives from Varus's army and sacrificed scores of them to their forest-gods, burning them alive in wicker cages. The remainder they held as captives. (Some of them were later ransomed by their relatives at an extravagantly high price, but Augustus forbade them ever to enter Italy again.) The Germans also enjoyed a long succession of tremendous drinking-bouts on the captured wine, and quarrelled bloodily over the glory and plunder. It was a long time before they became active again and realized how little opposition they would meet if they marched to the Rhine. But as soon as the wine began to give out they attacked the weakly-held frontier-fortresses and one by one captured and sacked them
Howard Behrens paintings

Friday 17 October 2008

Thomas Moran Autumn Landscape painting

Thomas Moran Autumn Landscape paintingJean Francois Millet The Gleaners paintingJacques-Louis David Napoleon crossing the Alps painting
Chief Vestal asked whether the sins confessed should pass unpunished. Livia replied that she could not have expressed an opinion had not the Goddess fortunately made a pronouncement on this point in the same dream: that the Mother Confessor would be empowered to prescribe expiatory penances and that the matters to him and ask him to name a suitable person, after performing the necessary ceremonies to ensure a choice favourable to the Goddess. So Urgulania was appointed, and of course Livia did not tell Lepidus or Augustus the powers that the appointment carried. She spoke of it casually as a position of advisory assistant to the Chief Vestal in moral matters, "the Chief Vestal, poor woman, being so unworldly".penances should be a matter of holy confidence between the criminal and the Mother Confessor. The Chief Vestal, she said, would be informed merely that such-and-such a woman was unfit to take part in the mysteries of this year; or that such-and-such had now performed her penance. This suited the Chief Vestal well, but she was afraid to suggest a name for fear that Livia would turn it down. Livia then said that the High Pontiff was obviously the man to make the appointment, and that if the Chief Vestal permitted her, she would explain

Arthur Hughes Phyllis painting

Arthur Hughes Phyllis paintingSir Lawrence Alma-Tadema A Harvest Festival paintingSir Lawrence Alma-Tadema A coign of vantage painting
Raise your hopeful voice; you have a choice” - Glen Hansard and Markéta Irglová, in the song Falling Slowly
While it is easy to criticize wrongdoings in other countries — dictatorships, cruelty, corruption, torture, oppression of women, genocide — it is more difficult, and yet so much more important, to start with the wrongdoings in your own country.I don’t often talk about politics, mainly because I’ve worked in the politics industry for so long and I know that it’s mostly all for show — elections are a dog-and-pony show where the powerful get elected every time, and the public rarely talks about issues that matter.But today I’ve decided that with an audience so large, not to mention an audience as generous
It is rarely ever said that we, the United States and other industrialized nations of the world, are responsible for the deaths of millions of poor, of children, of oppressed, in the Third World nations of the world. And yet, we are, in a very direct way.

Claude Monet Water Lilies 1914 painting

Claude Monet Water Lilies 1914 paintingUnknown Artist Heighton After Hours paintingUnknown Artist Brent Lynch Evening Lounge painting
Playground gibes are a rite of passage for most school-age kids, but for some children, teasing at school can turn into outright violence and abuse. Researchers say that as many as 1 in 10 children suffer physical attacks, name-calling and other social aggression at school, and a new study suggests that a child's risk of becoming a chronic victim of bullying may depend on factors that appear very early in life.RelatedStorieshealth problems, social withdrawal, alcohol and/or drug use, school absence and avoidance, decrease in school performance, self-harm and suicidal ideation."
"Studies also show that peer victimization becomes increasingly stable over time, with the same children enduring such negative experiences throughout childhood and adolescence," write the authors of a study on victimization, published in the current issue of Archives of General Psychiatry. "The consequences associated with high and chronic victimization are manifold and include Depression, loneliness, low self-esteem, physical

Thursday 16 October 2008

Claude Monet The Luncheon painting

Claude Monet The Luncheon paintingClaude Monet Terrace at St Adresse paintingClaude Monet Poplars painting
While the picture on your computer screen might look like a bunch of windows and images standing still or moving the way things in real life move, the reality is that the screen is being redrawn so fast that the illusion of motion, or even solidity, is present. The same principle is at work when it comes to television; it’s not motion being shown, just static pictures being displayed in rapid succession.
While you might not see a bombardment of repetitive flashing, your mind certainly gets hit with the strain of it, and your eyes and brain get stimulated further by it—meaning you’ll find it harder to get to sleep. If you log off the net at two in the morning and wonder why you can’t get to sleep, it’s probably because you spent too much time with your eyes glued to the screen. Steer clear of screens before bed.

Rembrandt Christ In The Storm painting

Rembrandt Christ In The Storm paintingJose Royo Momento de Paz paintingJose Royo Azul Mediterraneo painting
Risks — also warns that young people do not realize the damage until years later.
“Regularly listening to personal music players at high-volume settings when young,” the report said, “often has no immediate effect on hearing but is likely to result in hearing loss later in life.”
The report is the latest of several to warn that the “MP3” generation of youths may be heading for hearing impairment in later life.
But older people may also be vulnerable. In the 27 countries in the European Union, an estimated 50 million to 100 million people out of about 500 million may be listening to portable music players daily, the report said.
Users listening at high volumes for more than an hour a day each week risk permanent hearing loss after five years. This is equivalent to 5 percent to 10 percent of the listeners, which may be 2.5 million to 10 million people in the European Union, the study concluded.
Such fears have already prompted litigation. In 2006 a man in Louisiana filed a lawsuit against Apple, claiming the company had failed to take adequate steps to prevent hearing loss among iPod users.
The suit, filed in Federal District Court in San Jose, Calif., claims that the iPod can produce

Wednesday 15 October 2008

Michelangelo Buonarroti Crucifix painting

Michelangelo Buonarroti Crucifix paintingMichelangelo Buonarroti Creation of Adam detail paintingPierre Auguste Renoir The First Outing painting
ragged. He used to twist it in his fingers when he was worried and would even put the ends in his mouth and shew them. Livia chose him, I believe, because she thought him the most boring man in Rome and hoped by making him my tutor to discourage my historical ambitions; for she soon came to hear of them. Livia was right: Sulpicius had a Athenodorus would lend me his little sharp penknife, Livy joked-
Athenodorus was a stately old man with dark gentle eyes, a hooked nose and the most wonderful beard that surely ever grew on human chin. It spread in waves down to his waist and was as white as a swan's wing. I do not make this as an idle poetical twenty volumes of Livy's history of Rome, which he gave me to read as an example of lucid and agreeable writing. Livy's stories enchanted me and Athenodorus promised me that as soon as I had mastered my stammer I should

Thomas Kinkade HOMETOWN MEMORIES painting

Thomas Kinkade HOMETOWN MEMORIES paintingThomas Kinkade Evening Glow paintingThomas Kinkade CHRISTMAS MEMORIES painting
Athenodorus told me, the very first day of his tutorship, that he proposed to teach me not facts which I could pick up anywhere for myself, but the -proper presentation of facts. And this he did. One day, for example, he asked me, kindly enough, why I was so excited: I seemed unable to concentrate on my task. I told him that I had just seen a huge draft of recruits parading on Mars Field under Augustus's inspection before being sent off to Germany, where war had recently broken out again. "Well," said Athenodorus, still in the same kindly voice, "since this is so much on your mind that you can't appreciate the beauties of Hesiod, Hesiod can wait until to-morrow. After all, he's waited seven hundred years or more, so he won't grudge us another day. And meanwhile, suppose you were to sit down and take your tablets and write me a letter, a short account of all that you saw on Mars Field; as if I had been five years absent from Rome and you were sending me a letter across the sea, say to my

Lord Frederick Leighton Perseus and Andromeda painting

Lord Frederick Leighton Perseus and Andromeda paintingLord Frederick Leighton Daedalus and Icarus paintingLord Frederick Leighton Actaea the Nymph of the Shore painting
Germanicus stood up for me against my elders in a gentle persuasive way, but Postumus was a lion-like champion. He seemed not to care a fig for anyone. He even dared to speak out straight to my grandmother Livia herself. Augustus made a favourite of Postumus, so for a while Livia pretended to be amused at what she called his boyish impulsiveness. Postumus trusted her at first, being himself incapable of deceit. One day when I was twelve and he was fourteen he happened to be passing by the room where Cato was giving me my lessons. He heard the sound of blows and my cries for mercy and came bursting angrily in. "Stop beating him, at once!" he shouted.
Cato looked at him in scornful surprise and fetched me another blow that knocked me off my stool. Postumus said: "Those that can't beat the ass, beat the saddle." (That was a proverb at Rome.)
"Impudence, what do you mean?" roared Cato.

Tuesday 14 October 2008

Unknown Artist Heighton After Hours painting

Unknown Artist Heighton After Hours paintingUnknown Artist Brent Lynch Evening Lounge paintingUnknown Artist Brent Lynch Coastal Drive painting
natural children, besides his daughter Julia, who there is no reason for doubting was his own daughter. He was known, moreover to be passionately devoted to my grandmother. The truth will not easily be credited. The truth is that the marriage was never consummated Augustus, though capable enough with other women, found himself as impotent as a child when he tried to have commerce with my grandmother. The only reasonable explanation is that Augustus was, at bottom, a pious man, though cruelty and even ill-faith had been forced on him by the dangers that followed his granduncle Julius Caesar's assassination. He knew that the marriage was impious: this knowledge, it seems, affected him nervously, putting an inner restraint on his flesh.
My grandmother, who had wanted Augustus as an

Paul Cezanne House and Trees painting

Paul Cezanne House and Trees paintingPaul Cezanne Card Players paintingPaul Cezanne Bread and Eggs painting
that Livia had tempted him and that he had not been proof against her beauty; and perhaps Augustus still bore a grudge against him for the unlucky motion that he had once introduced in the Senate for rewarding Julius Caesar's assassins. However it may have been, he did not reproach Augustus. All that he said was: "If you love this woman and will marry her honourably, take her; only let the decencies be observed." Augustus swore that he would marry her immediately and never cast her off while she continued faithful to him; he bound himself by the most frightful oaths. So my grandfather divorced her. I have been told that he regarded this infatuation of hers as a divine punishment on himself because once in Sicily at her instigation he had armed slaves to fight against Roman citizens; moreover, she was a Claudian, one of his own family, so for these two reasons he was unwilling to show her public dishonour. It was certainly not for fear of Augustus

Lorenzo Lotto Venus and Cupid painting

Lorenzo Lotto Venus and Cupid paintingLorenzo Lotto Mystic Marriage of St Catherine paintingWilliam Etty Hero and Leander painting
sometimes sung by old people, of which the refrain is that the Claudian tree bears two sorts of fruit, the sweet apple and the crab, but that the crabs outnumber the apples. Among the crab sort the balladist reckons Appius Claudius the Proud who put all Rome in a tumult by trying to enslave and seduce a free-born girl called Virginia, and Claudius Drusus who in republican days tried to make himself King of all Italy, and Claudius the Fair, who, when the sacred chickens would not feed, threw them into the sea, crying "Then let them drink", and so lost an important sea-battle. And of the former sort the balladist mentions Appius the Blind, who dissuaded Rome from a dangerous league with King Pyrrhus, and Claudius the Tree-trunk who drove the Carthaginians out of Sicily, and Claudius Nero (which in the Sabine dialect means The Strong) who defeated Hasdrubal as he came out of Spain to join forces with his brother, the great Hannibal. These three were all virtuous men, besides being bold and wise. And the balladist says

Monday 13 October 2008

George Frederick Watts Charity painting

George Frederick Watts Charity paintingFrancisco de Goya Clothed Maja paintingFrancisco de Goya Blind Man's Buff painting
of the best ways to learn is to write about a topic – even if nobody else ever reads it. It quickly becomes apparent what the blank spots are in your budding new understanding, driving you back to fill in those gaps. Take an hour or two to write a short description of what you’ve learned about your topic – who knows, it might even come in handy as a reference later on.
7. Make something.Of course, you don’t really start learning until you try to apply what you know to a real-world situation. For example, while most programming books have chapters about programming theory, they also walk you through program after program, starting with putting “Hello World!” up on a screen. Making something that works gives you an understanding of the mechanics of a topic that’s far more

Sunday 12 October 2008

Vincent van Gogh The Yellow House painting

Vincent van Gogh The Yellow House paintingFra Angelico Madonna con Bambino paintingLeonardo da Vinci Virgin of the Rocks painting
us be able to feel, to know, he can still see us as we grow, as we live, that he is still with us; that he is not deprived of his children and all he had hoped for them and loved them for; nor they of him. Nor they of him.
“God, make us to know he is still with us, still loves us, cares what comes to us, what we do, what we are; so much. O, God ...”
She spoke these words sharply, and said no more; and Rufus felt that she was looking at his father, but he did not move his eyes, and felt that he should not know what he was sure of. After a few moments he heard the motions of her lips as softly again as that falling silence in which the whole world snowed, and he turned his eyes from the hand and looked towards his father’s face and, seeing the blue-dented chin thrust upward, and the way the flesh was sunken behind the bones of the jaw, first recognized in its specific weight the word, dead. He looked quickly away, and solemn wonder tolled in him like the shuddering of a prodigious bell, and he heard his mother’s snowy lips with wonder and with a desire that she should never suffer sorrow, and gazed once again at the hand, whose casual

Friday 10 October 2008

Jean Beraud Pont des arts painting

Jean Beraud Pont des arts paintingJean Beraud Boulevard des capucines paintingHenri Rousseau The Snake Charmer painting
Father Jackson took her arm, in the top hallway. Although she tried not to, she leaned on him very heavily.

“Come, now,” their mother whispered, and, taking them each by the hand, led them through the Green Room and into the living room.
There it was, against the fireplace, and there seemed to be scarcely anything else in the room except the sunny light on the floor.
It was very long and dark; smooth like a boat; with bright handles. Half the top was open. There was a strange, sweet smell, so faint that it could scarcely be realized.
Rufus had never known such stillness. Their little sounds, as they approached his father, vanished upon it like the infinitesimal whisperings of snow, falling on open water.
There was his head, his arms; suit: there he was.
Rufus had never seen him so indifferent; and the instant he saw him, he knew that

Wassily Kandinsky Farbstudie Quadrate painting

Wassily Kandinsky Farbstudie Quadrate paintingGustav Klimt The Bride paintingGustav Klimt Hope painting
When breakfast was over he wandered listlessly into the sitting room and looked all around, but he did not see any place where he would like to sit down. He felt deeply idle and empty and at the same time gravely exhilarated, as if this were the morning of his birthday, except that this day seemed even more particularly his own day. There was nothing in the way it looked which was not ordinary, but it was filled with a noiseless and invisible kind of energy. He could see his mother’s face while she told them about it and hear her voice, over and over, and silently, over and over, while he looked around the sitting room and through the window into the street, words repeated themselves, He’s dead. He died last night while I was asleep and now it was already morning. He has already been dead since way last night and I didn’t even know until I woke up. He has been dead all night while

Thursday 9 October 2008

Andrew Atroshenko Just for Love painting

Andrew Atroshenko Just for Love paintingEdward Hopper Sunday paintingEdward Hopper Morning Sun painting
necklace) and the beads ran among her fingers and twined and drooped from her hands and one wrist while she looked so intently at the upright cross that she did not realize that she had been seen. She’d be mad if she knew, he was sure.
Before he did anything about Catherine he put his cap back in the tissue paper. Then he got her clothes. “Take off your nightie,” he said. “Sopping wet,” he added, as nearly like his mother as possible.
“You’re sopping wet too,” she retorted.
“No, I didn’t either,” he said, “not last night.”
He found that she could do a certain amount of dressing herself; she got on the panties and she nearly got her underwaist on right too, except that it was backwards. “That’s all right,” he told her, as much like his mother as he was able, you do it fine. Just a little bit crooked”; and he fixed it right.
He buttoned her panties to her underwaist. It was much less easy, he found,

Edmund Blair Leighton The Accolade painting

Edmund Blair Leighton The Accolade paintingEdmund Blair Leighton The End of The Song paintingFrank Dicksee Romeo and Juliet painting
Andrew could not get out of his mind the image of his brother-in-law as he had first seen him that night. By the mere shy, inactive way the men stood who, as he and Walter first came up, stood between them and Jay, he had realized, instantly, before anyone spoke, “He’s dead.” Somebody had murmured something embarrassed about identification and he had answered sharply that they’d managed to phone the family, hadn’t they?, and again they had murmured embarrassedly, and ashamed of his sharpness he had assented, and there in the light of the one bulb one of the men had gently turned down the sheet (for he gathered a little later that the blacksmith’s wife, finding him covered with a reeking horse blanket, had hurried to bring this sheet); and there he was; and Andrew nodded, and made himself say, “Yes,” and he heard Walter’s deep, quiet breathing at his shoulder and heard him say, “Yes,” and he stood a little aside in order that Walter might have room, and together they stood silent and looked at the uncovered head. The strong frown was still in

Wednesday 8 October 2008

Thomas Moran Forest Scene painting

Thomas Moran Forest Scene paintingThomas Moran Autumn Landscape paintingJean Francois Millet The Gleaners painting
gently, “He’s dead, Andrew, isn’t he?” and he could not speak, but nodded, and he became aware that he was holding his aunt’s feet off the floor and virtually breaking her bones, and his sister said, in the same small and unearthly voice, “He was dead when you got there”; and again he nodded; and then he set Hannah down carefully on her feet and, turning to his sister, took her by her shoulders and said, more loudly than he had expected, “He was instantly killed,” and he kissed her upon the mouth and they embraced, and without tears but with great violence he sobbed twice, his cheek against hers, while he stared downwards through her loose hair at her humbled back and at the changeful blinking of the linoleum; then, feeling her become heavy against him, said, “Here, Mary,” catching her across the shoulders and helping her to a chair, just as she, losing strength in her knees, gasped, “I’ve got to sit down,” and looked timidly towards her aunt, who at the same moment saying, in a broken voice, “Sit down, Mary,” was at her other side, her arm around her waist and her

Frederic Edwin Church Autumn painting

Frederic Edwin Church Autumn paintingTitian Sacred and Profane Love [detail] paintingTitian Bacchus and Ariadne painting
you’re building your emergency fund and paying cash for all your expenses, don’t forget to spend money every month to your consolidated credit card balance. In order to get out of debt, you’ll probably have to pay more than the minimum. There are several theories prescribing the best way to divert all available funds to paying down your debt.
A popular financial guru, Dave Ramsey, suggests what he calls the “Snowball Method.” He suggests ordering your balances (you should only have two at the most at this point) from highest to lowest. To the card with the highest balance, pay the minimum each month. To the card with the lowest balance, send the minimum payment plus any additional funds you have available. Dave believes this will allow you to see success (paying off the first card) sooner, providing a psychological boost, encouraging you to continue.
While psychology plays a large part in terms of money, I believe Dave’s reasoning is faulty. If you put the most money towards the card with the highest interest rate, you might not get the psychological

Tuesday 7 October 2008

Claude Monet Sunset painting

Claude Monet Sunset paintingClaude Monet La Japonaise paintingClaude Monet Impression Sunrise painting
not beside him.” She set her teeth for a moment and tightened her lips, and spoke again, evenly: “Or he was gone already when the man called and he couldn’t bear to be the one to tell me, poor thing.
“One, or the other, or the other. And no matter what, there’s not one thing in this world or the next that we can do or hope or guess at or wish or pray that can change it or help it one iota. Because whatever is, is. That’s all. And all there is now is to be ready for it, strong enough for it, whatever it may be. That’s all. That’s all that matters. It’s all that matters because it’s all that’s possible. Isn’t that so?”
While she was speaking, she was with her voice, her eyes and with each word opening in Hannah those all but forgotten hours, almost thirty years past, during which the cross of living had first nakedly borne in upon her being, and she had made the first beginnings of learning how to endure and accept it. Your turn now, poor child, she thought; she felt as if a

Alphonse Maria Mucha The Judgement of Paris painting

Alphonse Maria Mucha The Judgement of Paris painting
Pierre Auguste Renoir Two Sisters (On the Terrace) painting
Pierre Auguste Renoir The Umbrellas painting
shame, she focused her sad eyes a little away from her. She wondered. It was probably better for her not to face it if she could help until it had to be faced. If it had to be. Just quiet, she said to herself. Just be quiet.
“You know,” Mary said slowly, “the queerest thing.” She began slowly to turn and rub her clasped fingers among each other. Hannah waited. “When the man phoned,” she said, gazing quietly upon her moving fingers, “and said Jay had been in a—serious accident”; and now Hannah realized that Mary was looking at her, and met her brilliant gray eyes; “I felt it just as certainly as I’m sitting here now, ‘It’s his head.’ What do you think of that?” she asked, almost proudly.
Hannah looked away. What’s one to say, she wondered. Yet Mary had spoken with such conviction that she herself was half convinced. She looked into an image of still water, clear and very deep, and even though it was dark, and she had not seen so clearly since her girlhood, she could see sand and twigs and dead leaves at the bottom of the water

John Singleton Copley Watson and the Shark painting

John Singleton Copley Watson and the Shark paintingJohn Singleton Copley The Tribute Money paintingFord Madox Brown The Coat of Many Colors painting
change, except for the worse; that he had no kind of clearness of head, or patience, or courage, that would last beyond the little it took (and even that was enough to make him shiver all over), to just be able, once in ever so long a time, to sit and look at himself for what he really was. He was just weak: he saw that, clear enough. Just no good. He saw that. Just incomplete some way, like a chicken that comes out of the shell with a wry neck and grows on up like that. Like his own poor little Jim-Wilson, that already showed the weakness, with his poor little washed-out eyes, his clinging to Sally, his terror of his father when his father was drunk or even teased him, his readiness to cry. I ought not ever to have fathered children, Ralph thought. I ought not ever to have been born.
And looking at himself now, he neither despised himself nor felt pity for himself, nor blamed others for whatever they might feel about him. He knew that they probably didn’t think the incredibly mean, contemptuous things of him that he was apt to imagine they did

Monday 6 October 2008

Guido Reni reni Aurora painting

Guido Reni reni Aurora paintingFrancois Boucher Madame de Pompadour paintingFrancois Boucher Adoration of the Shepherds painting
They turned through the swinging doors into a blast of odor and sound. There was no : only the density of bodies and of the smell of a market bar, of beer, whiskey and country bodies, salt and leather; no clamor; only the thick quietude of crumpled talk. Rufus stood looking at the light on a damp spittoon and he heard his father ask for whiskey, and knew he was looking up and down the bar for men he might know. But they seldom come from so far away as the Powell River Valley; and Rufus soon realized that his father had found, tonight, no one he knew. He looked up his father’s length and watched him bend backwards tossing one off in one jolt in a lordly manner, and a moment later heard him say to the man next him, “That’s my boy”; and felt a warmth of love. Next moment he felt his father’s hands under his armpits, and he was lifted, high, and seated on the bar, looking into a long row of huge bristling and bearded red faces. The eyes of the men nearest him were interested, and kind; some of them smiled; further away, the eyes were impersonal and

Thomas Gainsborough The Blue Boy painting

Thomas Gainsborough The Blue Boy paintingEdvard Munch The Scream paintingGustav Klimt Mother and Child detail from The Three Ages of Woman painting
I’m writing from my hotel balcony in Giza City, Egypt – just outside Cairo, and the site of the historic Pyramids. The sun is coming up right now, and the view is great. There’s only one problem:
A lot of other visitors here are unhappy.
They’re on vacation, far away from , but they’re not enjoying themselves. Between the heat and the hassles, something has gone wrong… and unfortunately, the problem is not unique to Egypt.
From departure lounges all over the world to nice hotels on every continent, I see the same thing no matter where I go: some people are having the time of their lives, and others, well, would rather be at Home.
There are probably several reasons for this phenomenon of unhappy tourists, but one of them is that

Guido Reni Cleopatra painting

Guido Reni Cleopatra painting
uido Reni Reni Charity painting
Francois Boucher The Setting of the Sun painting
Corduroy, by Don Freeman. One of my favorite books as a little kid. This lovable teddy bear will always have a special place in my heart. * Guess How Much I Love You, by Sam Mcbratney. I love you all the way to the moon and back! Fun to read this with your kids, and then later compete to see how much you love each other. * If You Give a Mouse a Cookie, by Laura Joffe Numeroff. This was a favorite for my kids. I love the drawings. * The Complete Adventures of Curious George, by H.A. Rey. He’s now an international icon, but Curious George has always been one of the most lovable characters in literature. * In the Night Kitchen, by Maurice Sendak. This is Sendak at his best. He has such a wonderful drawing style, and can tell stories with the best of them. * Horton Hatches the Egg, by Dr. Seuss. Speaking of the best of them, Dr. Seuss is it. He’s a legend, of course, and everything he wrote is amazing, so it’s really impossible to choose, but I love this

Vincent van Gogh Cherry Tree painting

Vincent van Gogh Cherry Tree paintingLeroy Neiman Winter Olympic Skiing paintingLeroy Neiman Desert Inn Baccarat painting
wasn’t that long ago when I was working long hours in a very stressful job, with little time for my family, smoking and eating fatty foods and not exercising. I had a lot of debt and too many bills. I was unhappy and stressed out all the time. I was losing hair … OK, actually that was because of genetics, but still. I was pretty stressed.How did I do all of this? One thing at a time. I didn’t do a major rehaul of my life. I changed one habit a month, and gradually over the course of a year or two changed a lot of things in my life.
So I made some drastic changes. I quit my job. I simplified my life. I quit smoking and started exercising and eating healthier. I began to eliminate my debt. And I learned some habits that, when applied on a daily basis, can really transform the way you live, in a positie way.

Thomas Moran Children of the Mountain painting

Thomas Moran Children of the Mountain paintingThomas Moran Cascading Water paintingThomas Moran Cascade Falls Yosemite painting
door. Quite silently a great weight forming against the timber; the bolt straining in its socket; minute by minute in the darkness outside the white heap sealing the door, until quite soon MY divorce case, or rather my wife’s, was due to be heard at about the same time as Brideshead was to be married. Julia’s would not come up till the following term; meanwhile the game of General Post - moving my property from the Old Rectory to my flat, my wife’s from my flat to the Old Rectory, Julia’s from Rex’s house and when the wind dropped and the sun came out on the ice ‘ slopes and the thaw set in a block would move, slide, and tumble, high above, gather weight, till the whole hillside seemed to be falling, and the little lighted place would open and splinter and disappear, rolling with the avalanche into the ravine.

Sunday 5 October 2008

Lord Frederick Leighton Leighton Idyll painting

Lord Frederick Leighton Leighton Idyll paintingLord Frederick Leighton The Painter's Honeymoon paintingRaphael Madonna of Belvedere painting
If Julia insists on a , I suppose she must have it,’ he said. ‘But she couldn’t have chosen a worse time. Tell her to hang on a bit, Charles, there’s a good fellow.’
‘Bridey’s widow said: “So you’re divorcing one man and marrying another. It sounds rather complicated, but my dear” - she called me “my dear” about twenty times - “I’ve usually found every Catholic family has one lapsed member, and it’s often the nicest.” ‘ Julia had just returned from a luncheon party given by Lady Rosscommon in honour of Brideshead’s engagement.
‘What’s she like?’
‘Majestic and voluptuous; common, of course; husky voice, big mouth, small eyes, dyed hair - I’ll tell you one thing, she’s lied to Bridey about her age. She’s a good forty-five. I don’t see her providing an heir. Bridey can’t take

Alphonse Maria Mucha Autumn painting

Alphonse Maria Mucha Autumn paintingMichelangelo Buonarroti The Creation of Adam hand paintingMichelangelo Buonarroti Entombment painting
‘I’ve been asleep such a long while. What time is it?’
‘Half past three.’
‘It’s no better, is it?’ ; at first she wanted one, but learned after a year that an operation was needed to make it possible; by that time Rex and she were out of love, but he still wanted his child, and when at last she consented, it was born dead.
‘highly developed; the rest simply isn’t there. He couldn’t imagine why it hurt me to find two months after we came back to London from our honeymoon, that he was still keeping up with Brenda Champion
‘I feel a little better, though. D’you think they’d bring me some tea or something if I rang the bell?’
I got her some tea and biscuits from the night steward.
‘Did you have an amusing evening?’
‘Everyone’s seasick.’
‘Poor Charles. It was going

Saturday 4 October 2008

Salvador Dali Enchanted Beach with Three Fluid Graces painting

Salvador Dali Enchanted Beach with Three Fluid Graces paintingJuarez Machado Tango Room paintingJuarez Machado Tango Over The Piano painting
girls. I’d like to get the little matter of a marriage settlement through, before it comes.’ We had by no means reached the cognac, but here we were on the subject of himself. In twenty minutes I should have been ready for all he had to tell. I closed my mind to him as best I could and gave myself to the food before me, but sentences came breaking in on my Happiness, recalling me to the harsh, acquisitive world which Rex inhabited. He wanted a woman; he wanted the best on the market, and he wanted her at his own price; that was what it amounted to.
‘...Ma Marchmain doesn’t like me. Well, I’m not asking her to. It’s not her I want to marry. She hasn’t the guts to say openly: “You’re not a gentleman. You’re an adventurer from the Colonies.” She says we live in different atmospheres. That’s all right, but Julia happens to fancy my

Gustav Klimt Malcesine on Lake Garda painting

Gustav Klimt Malcesine on Lake Garda paintingDaniel Ridgway Knight Woman in Landscape paintingDaniel Ridgway Knight Waiting painting
know you are. Let me order dinner.’
‘Well, all right. What’s the place again?’ I wrote it down for him. ‘Is it the sort of place you see native life?’
‘Yes, you might call it that.’
‘Well, it’ll be an experience. Order something good.’
‘That’s my intention.’
I was there twenty minutes before Rex. If I had to spend an evening with him, it should, at any rate, be in my own way. I remember the dinner well - soup of oseille, a sole quite simply cooked in a white-wine sauce, a caneton à la presse, a lemon soufflé. At the last minute, fearing that the whole thing was too simple for Rex, I added caviar aux blinis. And for wine I let him give me a bottle of 1906 Montrachet, then at its prime, and, with the duck, a Clos de Bèze of 1904.

Eric Wallis Lilies and Iris painting

Eric Wallis Lilies and Iris paintingEric Wallis Her Own Time paintingEric Wallis Flowers Everywhere painting
! bad!) to a German doctor.
‘Julia’s tortoise disappeared. We think it buried itseif, as they do, so there goes a packet (expression of Mr Mottram’s).
‘I am very well.
‘With love from
It must have been about a week after receiving this letter that I returned to my rooms one afternoon to find Rex waiting for me.
It was about four, for the light began to fail early in the studio at that time of year. I could see by the expression on the concierge’s face, when she told me I had a visitor waiting, that there was something impressive upstairs; she had a vivid gift of expressing differences of age or attraction; this was the expression which meant someone of the first consequence, and Rex indeed seemed to

Douglas Hofmann midnight blue painting

Douglas Hofmann midnight blue paintingJose Royo Tarde en el Campo paintingJose Royo Primavera painting
Rex had been told about the problem of Sebastian - he could scarcely have endured in that atmosphere without - and had a solution pat. He propounded it cheerfully and openly at tea, and after a day of whispering it was a relief to hear the thing discussed. ‘Send him to Borethus at Zurich. Borethus is the man. He works miracles every day at that sanatorium of his. You know how Charlie Kilcartney used to drink.’ ‘No,’ said Lady Marchmain, with that sweet irony of hers. ‘No, I’m afraid I don’t know how Charlie Kilcartney drank.’ Two wives despaired of him,’ he said. ‘When he got engaged to Sylvia, she made it a condition that he should take the cure at Zurich. And it worked. He came back in three months a different man. And he hasn’t touched a drop since, even though Sylvia walked out on him.’
‘Why did she do that?’
Julia, hearing her lover mocked, frowned at the tortoise, but Rex Mottram was impervious to such delicate mischief.

Friday 3 October 2008

Edward Hopper Dauphinee House painting

Edward Hopper Dauphinee House paintingEdward Hopper Conference at Night paintingEdward Hopper City Sunlight painting
It was Mr Samgrass’s particular aptitude to help others with their work, but he was himself the author of several stylish little books. He was a great delver in muniment-rooms and had a sharp nose for the picturesque. Sebastian spoke less than the truth when he described him as ‘someone of mummy’s’; he was someone of almost everyone’s who possessed anything to attract him.
Mr Samgrass was a genealogist and a legitimist; he loved dispossessed royalty and knew the exact validity of the rival claims of the pretenders to many thrones; he was not a man of religious habit, but he knew more than most Catholics about their Church; he had friends in the Vatican and could talk at length of policy and appointments, saying which contemporary ecclesiastics

Thomas Kinkade Elegant Evening at Biltmore painting

Thomas Kinkade Elegant Evening at Biltmore paintingThomas Kinkade Dawson paintingThomas Kinkade Courage painting
reside in the University city; one flank, that nearer the oil stove, I remember, was always rosy and the other mottled and puckered as though it had been plucked. There, in the smell of the oil lamp, we sat astride the donkey stools and evoked a barely visible wraith of Trilby. My drawings were worthless; in my own rooms I designed elaborate little pastiches, some of which, preserved by friends of the period, come to light occasionally to embarrass me.
We were instructed by a man of about my age, who treated us with defensive hostility; he wore very dark blue shirts, a lemon-yellow tie, and horn-rimmed glasses, and it was largely by reason of this warning that I modified my own style of dress until it approximated to what my cousin jasper would have thought suitable for country-house visiting. Thus soberly dressed and happily employed I became a fairly respectable member of my
With Sebastian it was different. His year of anarchy had filled a deep